Friends - Marilyn Denio wrote such a nice description of our Sunday morning and gospel meeting that I thought it would be good to include here.
Sorry I forgot to mention to you that we had
such a nice meeting this morning and hope you did too…we were 11 this morning
at Celso & Susan’s…our whole group…but we didn’t get a photo…U Max, Ernie,
Alfie, Arnold, Celso & Susan & Clyde, Larry & Debbie and Sara and
myself…we had U Max’s chicken tinola after along with Susan’s carrots and
toasted bread and Debbie’s peanut butter cookies…
Then this afternoon we were all together again
along with Junior, Clyde’s friend, and also YiJia and her mom and dad and
little brother…very special to have them with us and we hope Merry (a Chinese lady whom I met in Hong Kong and is coming to Saipan for a week-long tour) can meet
them this week…we expected Summer and Richard also, but haven’t heard what
happened…glad for Sara’s reminder from I Sam 17 that God wants to be with us
all thru the journey of life…just as he was with David, and he’ll help us in
struggles that we could never have victory in by ourselves…
This is a picture of our Sunday meal of Tinola!
Uncle Max used green and ripe papaya instead of squash. Delicious!
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