Tuesday, February 10, 2015


We have managed to get a small group of friends together each Thursday we've been here to go to Thursday market. The group is seldom completely the same. We had a special guest with us this time from Davis, CA. Daryl is community and political liaison for an oil pipeline project here on the island. He spent two very busy weeks here lining up all the right people and getting the project headed in the right direction and was a great help in our Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening meetings. We were glad to have him joining us for some local flavor (literal and figurative!)

Uncle Max, Daryl Greenway, and Deb at Thursday market

Ernie David is one of our friends and paints still life and portrait art on local leaves that have had the top skin removed. He shares his wares each Thursday at the market.
Daryl is taken with one of Ernie's paintings - a gift for someone special back home.
 The next step is getting some food to complement Uncle Max's culinary delight - this week we were treated to jackfruit, pork and chicken with rice. Max harvested the jackfruit this afternoon from a tree right outside our front door. If you want to learn a little bit more about this amazing and HUGE fruit (the one Max harvested was about a foot long and six inches in diameter), visit http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2014/05/01/308708000/heres-the-scoop-on-jackfruit-a-ginormous-fruit-to-feed-the-world  (copy/paste into your browser)

Calamari anyone? That's a euphemism for squid. No thanks! Other more delectable edibles found at the market include our favorites - BBQ pork or chicken on a stick. We grab a few for each in the party and head down the beach away from the crowd to a quiet spot with a table for eats and good atmosphere.

Max, Daryl, Deb and me about to dive into our meat sticks along with Max's delicacy at our Table-By-The-Sea

We say a fond farewell to Daryl as he sails into the sunset. He leaves us the next day, promising to return soon.

1 comment:

  1. Lar, you should try squid the way Gloria prepares it in Chañaral. You would love it
